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PHASE 7-Thai Massage for Knee Pain and Eye Basti Ceremony

 Graduation !!

And this weekend workshop we will focus on pain in the knee. Pain in the knee can have a debilitating affect and as long as it's not severe arthritis, massage therapy can help ease pain and even bring forth full recovery.

The mama points of Ayurveda are the base of all of Ariela's protocol classes. We will learn the major Marma points that are relative to knee pain. We will also learn the energy lines that go through the knees and learn to really feel and assess where there might be an imbalance. An awareness of the winds may help us figure out the root cause of the knee pain and with that awareness we can choose particular Thai Massage moves to bring balance.

Join us this weekend for a self-care journey and an educational experience in the wellness of treating knee pain.

Sunday we will learn how to give a basti Eye treatment as a special graduation gift to see the world with clean eyes and an open heart!!